【喝茶聚餐】19-06-06 临聚(临时即兴而约的网聚) 圆满结束!

下面是引用blueddie于2006-06-20 04:22 PM发表的:
sandy,we did迁就you,only the main point is do u still remember wat r the main topic tat we come out yesterday,is about the rumors~!!!1

hehe, blueddie, can on msn?

i’m in college lah~!! in college no msn de~!!!

u can msg me thru the forum~!1


我昨晚闷到半死 ~ 没人CALL我喝茶 ~ 呜呜呜~!

wah… so good … actualy want to go de , but at last … can t
hehehe, next time ba !..

下面是引用justinkit于2006-06-20 07:35 PM发表的:
我昨晚闷到半死 ~ 没人CALL我喝茶 ~ 呜呜呜~!

bc… bc… we don have ur hp no ah… duno how to call u also…

下面是引用esther于20-06-2006 20:51发表的:

bc… bc… we don have ur hp no ah… duno how to call u also…



下面是引用jeeshyan于2006-06-20 08:55 PM发表的:


哇。。惨娄 ~ 我的电话不就已被公诸于世?

下面是引用hiddendust于2006-06-20 09:37 PM发表的:

too bad…i thought u will go also [s:4]

下面是引用justinkit于2006-06-21 01:01 AM发表的:

哇。。惨娄 ~ 我的电话不就已被公诸于世?

what u scare for? we won’t “sao rao” u de wor…haha!!! [s:2]

下面是引用justinkit于2006-06-21 01:01 AM发表的:

哇。。惨娄 ~ 我的电话不就已被公诸于世?

what u scare for? we won’t “sao rao” u de wor…haha!!! [s:2]

下面是引用vins于2006-06-20 07:36 PM发表的:
wah… so good … actualy want to go de , but at last … can t
hehehe, next time ba !..

hope can see u next time^^
they all say u so leng chai 1 wor… must see la!!!

下面是引用blueddie于2006-06-20 04:22 PM发表的:
sandy,we did迁就you,only the main point is do u still remember wat r the main topic tat we come out yesterday,is about the rumors~!!!1

the main point is between u & me de loh~
u 1 2 tell me u “Lxxe” me ma~~ not meh?
wahahah!! [s:2]

下面是引用-sandy-于2006-06-21 08:31 AM发表的:

the main point is between u & me de loh~
u 1 2 tell me u “Lxxe” me ma~~ not meh?
wahahah!! [s:2]

有暧昧~~~~~~!! [s:2] [s:1] [s:2]

下面是引用dreamhaw于2006-06-21 09:02 AM发表的:

有暧昧~~~~~~!! [s:2] [s:1] [s:2]



下面是引用dreamhaw于2006-06-21 09:02 AM发表的:

有暧昧~~~~~~!! [s:2] [s:1] [s:2]

这里一定很冷~~外面很热,进来坐坐避暑 [s:2]


下面是引用blueddie于2006-06-21 09:37 AM发表的:

我说去nasmir mamak stall 而已啦

oic nvm alh

sure got chace one~!1