
我打算拿1Mps的package(without modem)的…我的家有8個人…有6架laptop和2架desktop…高手門有甚麼品牌的modem or router or switch or wireless modem可以介召嗎…?最好有價錢…不要很濫的哪種modem啊…
我還想問如果streamyx給的modem(藍色的) 是cheap東西還是好料來的…如過是好料的我就只是買switch+router…不買wireless的東西了…有誰有經驗…

take along the adsl modem from the streamyx, just pay extra 11, anything spoilt u can straight change with them since you have full use of it, its not that cheap, its quite ok one. 6 labtop and 2 desktop, then u buy another switch+router 8 or 16 pin de… not a problem la…

dun use the telekom one buy a all in one (router, modem, wifi) and + 8 ports switch.