生意人, looking it expert from cari till here. [s:2]
At cari, you did’t said much. Here I at least know what you want. ha ha…
Path of my interest its hacking but just for interest and challeage.

PHP lover!! [s:1]
混了一年多,算得上是中级的PHP programmer… [s:2] [s:2]

老师常说。。。think logic!! [s:22]

引用第27楼蓝色精灵2006-03-13 07:12 AM发表的“”:
C++,C,Java,Javascript,HTML,VB,ASP…等。在TARC 和 Informatics 念。。


im USM computer science student…
noob lai de… [s:22] [s:22] [s:22]

NIIT 那你认识louis ng 咯。。。。 我学过c, c++, html, php, java(learning) 其他的就不懂。。。这些都是半桶水而已

引用第0楼jeeshyan于2005-10-15 10:51 PM发表的 有谁是PROGRAMMING一族呢? :

你可以帮我弄个e-commerce site 吗??

用oscommerce , 加 credit/voucher module.


What programming is the best?
If you are web base developer, you can try ASP.NET
IF you are windows base developer try VB.
For me, i am AJAX ASP.NET Developer with 5 years working experience.
IF you want learn ASP.NET, Go to www.asp.net website.

C , C++ , abit VB, VHDL, 但不精…hehe

会看,会改, 懒惰写,这也算吗?
现成的太多了, 抓来改改就好了阿