Windows XP系统原来还可以这样重启




单击“开始→运行”,键入“REGEDIT”并回车,打开注册表编辑器,找到并展开[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetCrashControl ]分支,在右侧窗口中找到“AutoReboot”(如果没有,我们可以新建一个)键,将其值修改为“1”。退出注册表编辑器并重新启动一次计算机,以后系统死机时就会自动重启。



打开注册表编辑器,依次展开[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon]分支,在右侧窗口找到“AutoRestartShell”(如果没有,我们可以新建一个)键,将其值修改为“1”。重新启动计算机设置即生效。

wah,… this skill oso got… u very geng.

got 1 more skill is make a command at RUN to make computer auto shutdown after xxx second. u know that command? if know can tell me?

引用第1楼alanteng2006-08-20 02:52 AM发表的“”:
wah,… this skill oso got… u very geng.

got 1 more skill is make a command at RUN to make computer auto shutdown after xxx second. u know that command? if know can tell me?

for windows I don’t know yet. but for linux you can use shutdown command.

k. actually i know last time. i forgot liao. but never mind. i try other people

引用第3楼alanteng2006-08-20 02:54 AM发表的“”:
k. actually i know last time. i forgot liao. but never mind. i try other people

the command is:-

shutdown -t xx where xx in second

shutdown -l --> log off
shutdown -r --> shutdown and restart
shutdown -s --> shutdown noe
shutdown -a --> abort
shutdown -m \computername --> remote shutdown computer
shutdown -c --> shutdown with comment

li hai li hai

引用第6楼liongkk2006-08-20 04:20 AM发表的“”:
li hai li hai

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