new"; // updated $def_updated= "updated"; // products $def_offers_mark= "products"; // images $def_images_mark= "images"; // hot $def_hot= "hot"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Search //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Next $def_next = "Next"; // Previous $def_previous = "Previous"; // Advance Search $def_search = "Advanced Search"; // Company Name $def_search_sort_company = "Company Name"; // Membership sort $def_search_sort_membership = "Membership"; // Registration Date (old) $def_search_sort_date_1 = "Registration Date (old first)"; // Registration Date (new) $def_search_sort_date_2 = "Registration Date (new first)"; // Membership $def_membership = "Membership"; // In any membership $def_all_memberships = "In any membership"; // Expiration Date $def_expiration_date = "expiration date"; // Nothing was found $def_nothing_found = "Nothing was found"; // Sort by $def_sort = "Sort By"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reviews //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reviews $def_reviews = "Reviews"; // Edit / Remove Reviews $def_ed_reviews = "Edit / Remove Reviews"; // Approve Reviews $def_approve_reviews = "Approve Reviews"; // Review removed $def_admin_review_removed = "Review removed"; // Review updated $def_admin_review_updated = "Review updated"; // Review approved $def_admin_review_approved = "Review approved"; // Change Success $def_ok = "Information successfully changed."; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Image Gallery //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EDIT images ADD button $def_images_add="Add"; // EDIT images DELETE button $def_images_delete="Delete"; // EDIT images list Choice $def_images_choice="Choice"; // images - item $def_images_item="Item"; // images - Description $def_images_description="Description"; // Edit images (status line) $def_images_edit="Edit Image Gallery"; // images EDITING (no more lines) $def_images_limit="Can't add this image into gallery. Maximum allowed: "; // No images $def_images_empty="Sorry, no images available!"; // Offer image uploading error $def_images_pic_error="An error occured while uploading. May be corrupted. Please use JPG only. Size can't exceed "; // Offer image was successfully uploaded $def_images_pic_ok="Image was uploaded! "; // Offer empty $def_images_empty="Your image name field is empty, please, try again."; // Image Gallery $def_images="Image Gallery"; // Image Gallery Images $def_admin_images = "Image Gallery Images"; // Edit Gallery $def_admin_edit_images="Edit Gallery"; // Image removed $def_admin_bannerdeleted="Image removed "; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Offers //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Offers $def_offers="Products & Services"; // Offer types $def_offer_1="Offers to Sell"; $def_offer_2="Offers to Buy"; $def_offer_3="Services"; // Days left $def_days_left = "days left"; // Days $def_days = "days"; // EDIT offers ADD button $def_offers_add="Add"; // EDIT offers DELETE button $def_offers_delete="Delete"; // EDIT offers list CHANGE button $def_offers_change="Change"; // EDIT offers list EDIT button $def_offers_edit_but="Edit"; // EDIT offers list Choice $def_offers_choice="Choice"; // Offers - item $def_offers_item="Item"; // Offers - type $def_offers_type="Type"; // Offers - Description $def_offers_description="Description"; // Offers - Quantity $def_offers_quantity="Quantity"; // Offers - Packaging $def_offers_packaging="Packaging"; // Validity Period $def_validity_period = "Validity period"; // Offers - Price $def_offers_price="Price"; // Edit offers (status line) $def_offers_edit="Edit products and services"; // Offers EDITING (no more lines) $def_offers_limit="Can't add this item. Maximum allowed: "; // No offers $def_offers_empty="Sorry, no products or services!"; // used (offers) $def_used="used"; // free (offers) $def_free="free"; // Offer image uploading error $def_offers_pic_error="An error occured while uploading. May be corrupted. Please use JPG only. Size can't exceed "; // Offer image was successfully uploaded $def_offers_pic_ok="Image was uploaded! "; // Offer empty $def_offers_empty="Your item is empty, please, try again."; // Offer image upload $def_offers_imageupload="Upload image"; // Image not uploaded $def_banner_error = "Image was not uploaded "; // Image uploaded $def_banner_ok = "Image uploaded "; // Upload button $def_upload="Upload"; // Remove button $def_remove="Remove"; // days left $days_left="days left"; // Edit Products $def_admin_edit_products="Edit Products"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Documents Gallery //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Offer document upload $def_offers_imageupload="Upload image"; // Edit Documents $def_admin_edit_documents="Edit Documents"; // Document Gallery $def_admin_documents="Document Gallery"; // Documents Gallery $def_documents="Documents Gallery"; // No documents $def_documents_empty="Sorry, no documents available!"; // Offer document was successfully uploaded $def_documents_ok="Document was uploaded! "; // Offer documents uploading error $def_documents_error="An error occured while uploading. May be corrupted. Please use DOC and PDF only. Size can't exceed "; // documents EDITING (no more lines) $def_documents_limit="Can't add this document. Maximum allowed: "; // Edit documents (status line) $def_documents_edit="Edit Documents Gallery"; // documents - Description $def_documents_description="Description"; // documents - item $def_documents_item="Item"; // EDIT documents list Choice $def_documents_choice="Choice"; // EDIT documents DELETE button $def_documents_delete="Delete"; // EDIT documents ADD button $def_documents_add="Add"; // EDIT documents DELETE button $def_documents_delete="Delete"; // EDIT documents DELETE button $def_documents_delete="Delete"; //-------------------------------------------------------- // EMAILS AND MESSAGES //-------------------------------------------------------- // Subject $def_subject = "Subject"; //Message $def_message = "Message"; // To $def_to = "To"; // Attach File $def_attach = "Attach file"; // listings $def_type_listing = "Listings"; // users $def_type_user = "Users"; // In any category $def_any_category = "In any category"; // To all memberships $def_any_membership = "To all memberships"; //------------------------------------------------------- // Not Used //------------------------------------------------------- $def_admin_oldoffersdel="ATTENTION! OLD PRODUCTS AND SERVICES DELETED!"; $def_admin_oldimagesdel="ATTENTION! OLD IMAGES DELETED!"; $def_setoffers="Available products and services"; $def_setimages="Available Images"; $def_admin_offersedit_button="Simple Search / Editor"; $def_admin_offer_pics="Product pictures"; // Enter in LOG $def_admin_log_enter="Enter"; // Login menu Enter button $def_admin_enter="Enter"; // EDIT images list EDIT button $def_documents_edit_but="Edit"; // EDIT documents list CHANGE button $def_documents_change="Change"; // documents EDITING (no images) $def_documents_no="You have NO documents available!"; // documents SEARCH (status line) $def_documents_search="Search Documents"; // Offer documents upload $def_documents_imageupload="Upload file"; // Offers EDITING (no offers) $def_offers_no="You have NO products and services available!"; // Show all offers $def_offers_all="Show all products and services"; // Date of registration / expiration $def_offer_expiration_label = "Record added / expiration period"; // Offer image upload $def_images_imageupload="Upload image"; // images SEARCH (status line) $def_images_search="Search Images"; // images EDITING (no images) $def_images_no="You have NO images available!"; // EDIT images list EDIT button $def_images_edit_but="Edit"; // EDIT images list CHANGE button $def_images_change="Change"; // documents $def_documents_mark= "documents"; // Offers visits $def_offers_reviews="Products & Services reviews"; // ERROR Go back to registration $def_backtoregistration="Go back to registration"; // ERROR Passwords missmatch $def_passwords_missmatch="Passwords missmatch"; // HEADER $help_header="

"; // FOOTER $help_footer="
"; // index.php $login_help="   Please, use your login and password to enter the administrator section.

"; $index_help="   To approve/reject new registrations, please, use $def_admin_checkreg_button section.

  To submit new listing, please, use $def_admin_reg_button section.

  To edit companies, their products and images use $def_admin_offersedit_button. You can also use an Advanced search to find and edit listings at $def_search_button.

  To edit locations (countries/cities, depends on configuration) use $def_admin_locations_button tool.

  To edit states use $def_admin_states_button tool. (if available)

  To edit categories use $def_admin_edcat_button tool.

  To approve, edit reviews please use $def_approve_reviews and $def_ed_reviews links.

  To send a message to all listings or a group of listing owners use $def_admin_mailer_button section.

  To see the last actions of the administrator, please visit $def_admin_log_button section.

  To return to the home page, press "Logout" button.

"; $firms_help="   To approve the registration and add the listing into the database press \"Approve\" button.

  To reject the listing and remove it from the temporary database, press \"Reject\" button.

  You can make some changes in the registration information before approving the listing.

  You can use \"Comments\" field to store additional listing information and notes available to the administrator only.

"; $editor_help="   To find the company in the database, please fill in a fragment of its name, its ID, login or email and press \"Search\".

  After changing the information, please, press \"Save\" button for the changes to take effect.

  To completely remove the listing from the database use \"Remove Company\" button.

  To let the user add his products and services or images, please, define a certain number of products in the \"Products and Services\" field or images in the \"Image Gallery\" field.

  Attention!!! If you define less products or images than it was before, the system will erase old ones.

  You may add, change or remove user's banner or logo is this section also.

"; $search_help="   Use this section to search/view/sort listings in the whole database.

  You can search for any listing or group of listings using category, part of a company name, location, email or membership.

  It is possible to sort the results by name, membership or registration date.

  To edit/update the listing just press the company name.

"; $locations_help="   Locations may be COUNTRIES or CITIES. If you have countries enabled in config.php file, you'll have countries here and cities will be a simple input form, but if you have countries disabled, here will be cities as locations.

  To add a new location, specify the name in the text field and press Add location.

  To rename the exisitng location, please select the location you want to rename, specify new name in the text field and press Rename button .

  BEFORE DELETING ANY LOCATION, PLEASE MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO LISTINGS REGISTERED IN IT! To remove an existing location, just select the location you want to delete and press Delete button.

"; $states_help="   To add a new state, specify the name in the text field and press Add state button.

  To rename an existing state, just select the state you want to rename, specify new name in the text field and press Rename state button.

  BEFORE DELETING ANY STATE, PLEASE MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO LISTINGS REGISTERED IN IT! To remove an existing state, just select the state you want to delete and press Delete button.



  To add a new category, specify the name of a new category in the text field and press Add category.

  To add a subcategory, choose any category, specify the name of a new subcategory in the text field and press Add subcategory.

  To add a SUBsubcategory, choose any subcategory, specify the name of a new subsubcategory in the text field and press Add subsubcategory.

  To delete a category or subcategory or subsubcategory, choose it and press Delete button. Please, make sure, no listings registered in the category. Delete all sub/subcategories in the category before deleting this category.

  To rename category or subcategory, just select the category or subcategory you want to rename, specify new name in the text field and press Rename.

"; $log_help="   To erase the events log, please, press \"Clear\" button.

"; $reg_help="   You can easily submit new listing into your directory in this section.

  You can define the maximum allowed number of products and images allowed to this listing.

  Please, make sure all the fields marked with red asterisk are not empty.

  Try to avoid spaces and inverted commas in login and password.

  Make sure you use unique login and email for every new listing.

"; $edprice_help_1="   To ADD an item, specify the type of the offer, item and press \"Add\" button.

  To CHANGE an existing line, select it and press \"Edit\", you'll get this line in the form to edit. Press \"Change\" button after changes are done.

  To DELETE an item, select it and press \"Delete\" button.

  To UPLOAD A PICTURE select the item you want to upload an image for, select an image in "Upload image" field and press \"Upload\" button. (if available)

  To return to the Editor click the "Back" button.

"; $passwd_help="   Please, specify your old administrator password you want to change and the new one.

  Your password will be changed right after you press \"Change\" button.

"; $mailer_help="   Mailer is used to send news, messages to all registered users or to a group of users based on location, category or membership.

  You can attach any file to your email.

  Please, don't leave fields empty.

"; $reviews_help="   Use this facility to approve reviews added by the directory users.

  The reviewed listing is located right above the review form, you can get to the Listing Editor by pressing the listing name.

  Please note that the only required field for admin is a Review message, all other fields are optional.

"; $reviews2_help="   Use this facility to edit/remove reviews added by the directory users.

  The ID number is used to identify each review in the system and allows you to find and edit/update/remove any review. You can find the review ID right in the review details (author, email, www, date, id) in the public directory.

  The reviewed listing is located right above the review form, you can get to the Listing Editor by pressing the listing name.

  Please note that the only required field for admin is a Review message, all other fields are optional.

"; $gallery_help="  \"\"  To add an image into your gallery, specify the title of this image, it's description, path to the image on your local drive and press \"Add\" button.

 \"\"  To delete an image, please, select it and press \"Delete\" button.

 \"\"  To return to the main menu click the "Back" button.

"; ?>