Please select the membership level for this listing"; $def_new_listing = "New Listing"; $def_submit_pay = "Pay for your listing"; $def_submit_free = "Complete Free listing submission"; $def_max_free = "Maximum number of free listings reached"; // REG.PHP - Registration $reg_help_1="   \"\"  You can register your business in the directory using this simple form.

  \"\"  It is a mandatory requirement to fill in all the fields marked with red.

  \"\"  Your password has to be at least 4 characters long, please don't use spaces and inverted commas.

"; // REG.PHP - Membership Selection $reg_help_2="   \"\"  Select your membership level from the options provided.

  \"\"  Premium memberships provide you with more features.

"; // REG.PHP - Listing Detail $reg_help_3="   \"\"  You can submit your listing in the directory using this simple form.

  \"\"  It is a mandatory requirement to fill in all the fields marked with red.

  \"\"  Your registration will be approved by the administrator and added into the database. Please, note that administrator may reject your registration. You will get an email notification.

"; // REG.PHP - Upload and Pay $reg_help_4="   \"\"  Upload banners and logos if you membership level supports it.

  \"\"  If payment is required, please select to pay online or by check.

  \"\"  If payment is not required, please submit your listings.

"; // REG.PHP - Pay by check verify $reg_help_5="   \"\"  Please verify the following information for check payment.

  \"\"  You will recieve e-mail notification that you may print and send with your payment.

"; // REG.PHP - Pay by check completed $reg_help_6="   \"\"  You will recieve e-mail notification that you may print and send with your payment.

"; // REG.PHP - Free listing submission completed $reg_help_7="   \"\"  Submission is complete, you may use the menu to navigate this site.

"; // REG.PHP - Pay gateway returned $reg_help_8="   \"\"  If there were any errors paying online, please feel free to contact us.

"; // REG.PHP - Submission error $reg_help_9="   \"\"  Please contact us to resolve any errors, thank you.

"; //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Registration - Error/Success Messages //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // ERROR Please specify ... $def_specify="Please, specify"; // ERROR Go back to registration $def_backtoregistration="Go back to registration"; // ERROR Passwords missmatch $def_passwords_missmatch="Passwords missmatch"; // ERROR Login has to be at least 4 characters long $def_login_short="Login has to be at least 4 characters long"; // ERROR Password has to be at least 4 characters long $def_pass_short="Password has to be at least 4 characters long"; // ERROR Don't use spaces and inverted commas $def_reg_nospaces_commas="Don't use spaces and inverted commas in login or password"; // ERROR Login is already in use, try another $def_reg_login_used="Login is already in use"; // e-mail testing JS $def_mail_error="Sorry, email is incorrect"; // Your listing was not changed $def_not_changed = "Your listing was NOT updated"; // Your listing was changed $def_yes_changed = "Your listing was successfully updated"; $def_terms_check = "You must check the box indicating you agree to the terms and conditions"; //-------------------------------------------------------- // Categories - GENERAL //-------------------------------------------------------- // Category List $def_categorylist = "Category List"; // Category $def_category="Category"; // Select Category $def_category_sel="Select Category"; // Subcategory Button $def_subcategory="Select Subcategory"; // SubSubcategory Button $def_subsubcategory="Select Subsubcategory"; // Selected Categories $def_sel_cat = "Selected Categories"; // Categories remaining $def_cat_rem = "Categories remaining"; // No Category Selected $def_nocat_msg = "No category selected, please select one from the list below"; // Category Already Selected $def_cat_sel_error = "That cagegory has already been selected"; // Select category with CTRL $def_sel_ctrl="Hold CTRL key to select more than one category"; // Terms and conditions checkbox text $def_terms_conditions = "I agree to the terms and conditions"; //----------------------------------------------------------------- // User Area //----------------------------------------------------------------- // Password $def_pass="Password"; // Login or password is incorrect $def_login_error="Login or password is incorrect"; // Edit (button) $def_edit="Edit"; // Enter (login button) $def_enter="Enter"; // Change button $def_change="Change"; // Logout button $def_logout="Logout"; // Back button $def_back="Back"; // Record was not reviewed yet $def_notreviewedyet="Sorry, this record was not reviewed yet. Try again later."; // repeat (password) $def_repeat=" (repeat) "; // E-mail already used $def_reg_mail_used = "This e-mail address is used by another user"; // Change my information $def_change_information = "Change my information"; // Edit user information $def_edit_user = "Edit user information"; // Modfiy User $def_modify_user = "Modify"; // My Listings $def_my_listings = "My listings"; // Delete Button $def_listings_delete="Delete"; // View/Edit Button $def_edit_view="View/Edit"; // Contact Us $def_contact = "Contact Us"; // Compare Memberships $def_compare = "Compare Memberships"; // Messages Received $def_mailcounter = "Messages Received"; // Login $def_login = "Your User Name (Login)"; // Upgrade to... $def_membership_upgrade = "Upgrade to"; // Registration Auto Approved $def_reg_ok_approved = "Your listing is added into the system,
you can login and update your details now.

"; // Registration Request for Payment $def_reg_ok_approved_pay_now = "Please, pay for your directory membership now.
This will let you have more options and fields enabled for your listing.

"; // Registration sent for approval $def_reg_ok="Thank you, your registration is complete.

Your record will be approved and
added to the database in 48 hours.

You may upgrade your Membership in your
user section later.

"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Logo&banner uploading //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Logo $def_logo="Logo"; // Image uploading error $def_banner_error="An error occured while uploading. May be corrupted. Please use GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP and SWF formats. Size can't exceed "; // Image was successfully uploaded $def_banner_ok = "Image was uploaded! "; // Image was successfully removed $def_image_removed="Image was removed! "; // Please, specify image file! $def_specify_file="Please, specify image file!"; // Banner upload (message) $def_banner_upload="Banner Upload"; // Logo upload (message) $def_logo_upload="Logo Upload"; // Upload button $def_upload="Upload"; // Remove button $def_remove="Remove"; $def_swf_suggest = "Note: Suggested size for Flash (.SWF) banners is"; // Flash Banner Link $def_flash_link = "Visit Advertisment"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reminder //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // (e-mail) is not registered $def_not_registered="The specified listing is not registered or have no email registered, please contact administrator."; // Login and password was sent to (e-mail) $def_reminder_sent="Information was successfully sent to your email."; // MENU Password reminder $def_reminder="Password reminder"; // Send (button) $def_rem_button="Send"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Listing Marks //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // New $def_new="new"; // Updated $def_updated="updated"; // Products $def_offers_mark="products"; // Images $def_images_mark="images"; // Documents $def_documents_mark="documents"; // Hot $def_hot="hot"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Search //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Search $def_search="Search"; // Search all $def_search_alldata = "Search all"; // Search for company $def_search_company="Business"; // Search for product $def_search_product="Product"; // Search for images $def_search_images="Image"; // Results $def_results="Results"; // Advanced Search $def_search_adv="Advanced search"; // SEARCH Nothing was found $def_nothing_found="Nothing was found. Please, try again."; $def_nothing_found2="Blank search submitted, please enter search values."; // Company search $def_company_search="Company search"; // In all locations $def_search_location="In all locations"; $def_search_category="In all categories"; // In all offers $def_search_offers="In all types"; $def_filterbyday1 = "Listings added within last"; $def_filterbyday2 = "days(s)"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RATING //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rate this company $def_rate="Rate this listing"; // Rating $def_rating="Visitor Rating"; // Not Rated $def_notrated="Not Rated"; // After $def_after="after"; // Votes $def_votes="votes"; // Excellent $def_excellent="Excellent"; // Very good $def_verygood="Very good"; // Good $def_good="Good"; // Fair $def_fair="Fair"; // Poor $def_poor="Poor"; // Already Rated $def_rate_error_1="Sorry, you have already rated this listing."; // Rating Error $def_rate_error_2="Sorry, an error occured, please vote again."; // Thanks for your vote $def_rate_error_3="Thanks for your vote!"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reviews //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reviews $def_total_reviews = "Reviews"; // Add a review $def_add_a_review = "Add a review"; // View all reviews $def_view_reviews = "View all reviews"; // Review added by $def_review_added_by = "Review added by"; // Review to be approved message $def_review_approved = "Thanks! Your review will be approved soon."; // Review $def_review = "Review"; // Review for $def_review_for = "Review for"; // Your Name $def_your_name = "Your name"; // Your email $def_your_email = "Your email (optional)"; // Your website $def_your_website = "Your website (optional)"; // Your name $def_specify_your_name = "Specify your name"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Image Gallery //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EDIT images ADD button $def_images_add="Add"; // EDIT images DELETE button $def_images_delete="Delete"; // EDIT images list Choice $def_images_choice="Choice"; // images - item $def_images_item="Image"; // images - Description $def_images_description="Description"; // Edit images (status line) $def_images_edit="Edit Image Gallery"; // images EDITING (no images) $def_images_no="You have NO images available!"; // images EDITING (no more lines) $def_images_limit="Can't add this image into gallery. Maximum allowed: "; // No images $def_images_empty="Sorry, no images available!"; // images SEARCH (status line) $def_images_search="Search Images"; // Offer image uploading error $def_images_pic_error="An error occured while uploading. May be corrupted. Please use JPG only. Size can't exceed "; // Offer image was successfully uploaded $def_images_pic_ok="Image was uploaded! "; // Image Gallery $def_images="Image Gallery"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Offers //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Offer to Sell - TYPE $def_offer_1="Offers to Sell"; // Offer to Buy - TYPE $def_offer_2="Offers to Buy"; // Services - TYPE $def_offer_3="Services"; // Sell - Short Type $def_offer_1_s="Sell"; // Buy - Short TYPE $def_offer_2_s="Buy"; // Services - SHORT TYPE $def_offer_3_s="Services"; // Offers $def_offers="Products & Services"; // Date of registration / expiration $def_offer_expiration_label = "Record added / expiration period"; // Days left $def_days_left = "days left"; // Days $def_days = "days"; // Show all offers $def_offers_all="Show all products and services"; // EDIT offers ADD button $def_offers_add="Add"; // EDIT offers DELETE button $def_offers_delete="Delete"; // EDIT offers list CHANGE button $def_offers_change="Change"; // EDIT offers list EDIT button $def_offers_edit_but="Edit"; // EDIT offers list Choice $def_offers_choice="Choice"; // Offers - item $def_offers_item="Item"; // Offers - type $def_offers_type="Type"; // Offers - Description $def_offers_description="Description"; // Offers - Quantity $def_offers_quantity="Quantity"; // Offers - Packaging $def_offers_packaging="Packaging"; // Validity Period $def_validity_period = "Validity period"; // Offers - Price $def_offers_price="Price"; // Edit offers (status line) $def_offers_edit="Edit products and services"; // Offers EDITING (no offers) $def_offers_no="You have NO products and services available!"; // Offers EDITING (no more lines) $def_offers_limit="Can't add this item. Maximum allowed: "; // No offers $def_offers_empty="Sorry, no products or services!"; // used (offers) $def_used="used"; // free (offers) $def_free="free"; // Offer new window close $def_close="Close"; // Offers SEARCH (status line) $def_offers_search="Search products & services"; // Offer image uploading error $def_offers_pic_error="An error occured while uploading. May be corrupted. Please use JPG only. Size can't exceed "; // Offer image was successfully uploaded $def_offers_pic_ok="Image was uploaded! "; // Offer empty $def_offers_empty="Your item is empty, please, try again."; // Offer image upload $def_offers_imageupload="Upload image"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Documents Gallery //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Search for documents $def_search_documents="Document"; // EDIT documents ADD button $def_documents_add="Add"; // EDIT documents DELETE button $def_documents_delete="Delete"; // EDIT documents list CHANGE button $def_documents_change="Change"; // EDIT documents list EDIT button $def_documents_edit_but="Edit"; // EDIT documents list Choice $def_documents_choice="Choice"; // documents - item $def_documents_item="Document"; // images - Description $def_documents_description="Description"; // Edit documents (status line) $def_documents_edit="Edit Documents Gallery"; // documents EDITING (no documents) $def_documents_no="You have NO documents available!"; // documents EDITING (no more lines) $def_documents_limit="Can't add this document into gallery. Maximum allowed: "; // No documents $def_documents_empty="Sorry, no documents available!"; // documents SEARCH (status line) $def_documents_search="Search Documents"; // Offer image uploading error $def_documents_error="An error occured while uploading. May be corrupted. Size can't exceed "; // Offer document was successfully uploaded $def_documents_ok="Document was uploaded! "; // Offer empty $def_documents_empty="No documents available"; // Offer document upload $def_documents_upload="Upload documents"; // Documents Gallery $def_documents="Document Gallery"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Payment Processor - General //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Your payment was successful $def_paypal_success="Your payment was successful"; // Thank you. Your payment was successful $def_paypal_success_text="Thank you. Your payment was successful!

"; // Payment Pending - Unknown reason $def_pending_unknown="PayPal payment pending, unknown reason, login to your account for manual apply"; // Payment Pending - eCheck $def_pending_echeck="Pending. Payment was made with an eCheck. Please, allow some time
for PayPal to process the payment, your account will be
upgraded right after receiving confirmation from PayPal."; // Different Currency $def_pending_currency="Different currency, please, apply manually"; // Pending - Not verified merchant $def_pending_verify="Pending, you are not yet verified as a merchant"; // Pending - address validation $def_pending_address="Pending, address manual validation required"; // Pending - Paypal account upgrade $def_pending_upgrade="Pending, please, upgrade your PayPal account to Business or Premier"; // Payment Error $def_paypal_error="There was an error with your payment."; //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Payment Processor - //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Payment Processor $def_payment = "Payment Processor"; // First Name $def_fname = "First Name"; // Last Name $def_lname = "Last Name"; // Credit Card Number $def_ccn = "Credit Card Number"; // Expiration Month $def_month = "Expiration Month"; // Expiration Year $def_year = "Expiration Year"; // Country $def_country="Country"; // State $def_state="State"; // City $def_city="City"; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Payment Processor - Pay by Check //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Pay by Check $def_check_payment = "Pay by Check"; // Current Listing Type $def_check_current_type = "Current Listing Type"; // Requested Upgrade Type $def_check_upgrade_type = "Requested Upgrade Type"; // Upgrade Request Information $def_check_request_info = "Upgrade Request Information"; // Check Mailing Address $def_check_address = "Check Mailing Address"; // Make check out to $def_check_makeout = "Make your check out to"; // Check Amount $def_check_amount = "Check Amount"; // Upgrade on payment receipt message $def_check_submit = "Upgrade Request Submitted

Your listing will be upgraded once payment is received."; // Please Review $def_check_review = "Please review your request and confirm."; // Confirm Request $def_check_confirm = "Confirm Request"; // Cancel Request $def_check_cancel = "Cancel Request"; //----------------------------------------------------------- // Refer a friend form //----------------------------------------------------------- $def_refer_form_title = "Refer a friend"; $def_refer_sender_email = "Your Email Address"; $def_refer_recipient = "Recipient"; $def_refer_sender_name = "Your Name"; $def_refer_comments = "Comments"; $def_refer_subject = "Referral from a friend"; $def_refer_success = "Referral successfully sent"; //-------------------------------------------------------- // EMAILS AND MESSAGES //-------------------------------------------------------- // Send message $def_sendmessage="Send message"; // Specify your ID $def_specifyyourid="Please, specify your listing ID"; // Specify your message $def_specifyyourmessage="Please, specify your message"; // Send answer to $def_mailattention="[!] Reply to"; // Message from a visitor $def_messagefromavisitor="Message from a visitor"; // Message to a friend $def_messagefromavisitor2 = "Hello, this is a message from your friend! "; // Message receiver $def_receiver="Receiver"; // Your listing ID $def_yourid="Your listing ID"; // Your email $def_yourmail = "Your email"; // Your friends email $def_friendmail= "Friends email"; // Message $def_yourmessage="Message"; // Message to a friend $def_yourmessage2="Message (URL included)"; // SEND button $def_sendmessage_button="Send"; // Message was sent MAIL.PHP $def_message="Message was successfully sent"; // Message was sent MAIL2.PHP $def_message2="Message to a friend was successfully sent"; // Maximum attached file size exceeded, allowed: $def_max_attach_exceeded="Maximum attached file size exceeded, allowed (bytes): "; // Attach a file $def_attach = "Attach a file"; // Specify your email $def_specifyyouremail = "Please, specify your email"; // Specify friends email $def_specifyyouremail2 = "Please, specify your friends email"; $def_message_to_friend= " Hello, just have a look at the listing I've just discovered! ..."; //-------------------------------------------------------- // HELP SECTION //-------------------------------------------------------- // ADDUSER.PHP $add_user_help_1 = "   \"\"  Please insert login name, password and e-mail address! After registration you can access your account useing User login option from Menu

"; // CHECK_PAYMENT.PHP $check_payment_help = "   \"\"  Select a membership type you would like to upgrade to. You will then receive a receipt page and the directory admin will be notified of your request.

"; // CHOOSELISTING.PHP $chooselisting_help_1= "   \"\"  Use $def_change_information button to change your e-mail address and/or account password.

"; // COMPARE.PHP $compare_help = "   \"\"  Here you may view the options of all offered memberships. Each membership has different features.

"; // DOCUMENTS.PHP $documents_help_1 = "   \"\"  Use this area to edit and control the documents displayed on your listing.

"; // EDDOCUMENTS.PHP $documents_help = "   \"\"  Here you can view a list of documents available for this listing. Documents can be downloaded by clicking the file link.

"; // EDITUSER.PHP $edit_user_help_1 = "   \"\"  Please change the the e-mail and press the button below. If you do not wish to change your password do not fill any password field!

"; // EDGALLERY.PHP $images_help="   \"\"  To add an image into your gallery, specify the title of this image, it's description, path to the image on your local drive and press \"Add\" button.

  \"\"  To delete an image, please, select it and press \"Delete\" button.

  \"\"  To return to the main menu click the "Back" button.

"; // EDOFFERS.PHP $edprice_help_1="   \"\"  To ADD an item, specify the type of the offer, item and press \"Add\" button.

  \"\"  To CHANGE an existing line, select it and press \"Edit\", you'll get this line in the form. Press Change button for the changes to take effect.

  \"\"  To DELETE an item, select it and press \"Delete\" button.

  \"\"  To UPLOAD A PICTURE select the item you want to upload an image for, select an image in "Upload image" field and press \"Upload\" button. (if available)

  \"\"  To return to the main menu click the "Back" button.

"; // GALLERY.PHP $images_help_1="   \"\"  Please, press the image or image name to view the full size picture.

  \"\"  Press the house icon in the status bar to return to the home page.

"; // INDEX.PHP 1 $cat_help_1="   \"\"  Welcome! Use this window to get help and other useful notes on how to achieve the best results while working with the system.

"; // INDEX.PHP 2 $cat_help_2="   \"\"  To return to the current category, please, click its name in the status bar.

"; // INDEX.PHP 3 $cat_help_3="   \"\"  You may use "Send message" link to send a short message to the company manager (if available).

  \"\"  To get the list of products and services this company offers, just click the link with the required type of offers (if available).

  \"\"  To visit the Image Gallery of this listing, please, click the Image Gallery link. (if available).

  \"\"  You can rate this listing or write your opinion (review) about this company / product / individual, just press \"Add A Review\" link. To view all reviews press \"View All Reviews\" link. (if available).

  \"\"  For a printer-friendly listing detailed page, please, click "Print Listing" link (if available).

  \"\"  To send your friend a short message with an URL (link) to this listing, please, click "Mail To A Friend" link (if available).

  \"\"  To find out the geographic location of the business, please, click "View map / route" link (if available).

  \"\"  To return to the current category or subcategory, please, click its name in the status bar.

"; // INDEX.PHP 4 $cat_help_4="   \"\"  Click the company name for detailed description, offers and contact information.

  \"\"  To return to the current category, please, click its name in the status bar.

"; // MAIL.PHP $mail_help="   \"\"  Please, don't forget to double check your email for the contact person to be able to answer your inquery.

"; // MAIL2.PHP $mail2_help="   \"\"  To send your friend a short message with an URL (link) to this listing, please, specify your email and email of your friend to send a link to. You can also add some notes to that email.

"; // OFFERS.PHP $price_help="   \"\"  Click the company name in the status bar for detailed description and contact information.

  \"\"  To return to the current category or subcategory, please, click it's name in the status bar.

"; // REG.PHP $reg_help="   \"\"  You can register your business in the directory using this simple form.

  \"\"  It is a mandatory requirement to fill in all the fields marked with red.

  \"\"  Your password has to be at least 4 characters long, please don't use spaces and inverted commas.

  \"\"  Your registration will be approved by administrator and added into the database. Please, note that administrator may reject your registration. You will get an email notification.

"; // REMIND.PHP $remind_help="   \"\"  Please, specify your listing User Login.

  \"\"  You will receive login and NEW password to your listing email. Your current password will be changed.

"; // REVIEW.PHP $review_help="   \"\"  Please, write your own opinion about this company / product. Just specify your name and a message, email and website link are optional fields.

  \"\"  Please, note that your review will be checked by system administrator before it appear in the directory.

  \"\"  Press the house icon in the status bar to return to the home page.

"; // REVIEWS.PHP $review2_help="   \"\"  Press the house icon in the status bar to return to the home page.

"; // SEARCH.PHP $adv_search_help="   \"\"  You can search for any record in the listings database using fragments of contact information.

  \"\"  If field is empty, it is not used in search query.

  \"\"  Leave all fields empty to get all listings from the database.

"; // SEARCH-1.PHP and SEARCH-ALL.PHP $search_help="   \"\"  You can search for any record in our database using complete words in your query, if nothing was found, please, try to search for plural forms of the requested item.

  \"\"  System searches for the specified words in COMPANY NAME and DESCRIPTION fields. You may also define the location of the business.

"; // SEARCH-2.PHP $psearch_help="   \"\"  Click the item for the contact information and the complete list of products and services (if available).

  \"\"  You can search for any record in the database using complete words in your query. Please, try to search for plural forms of the requested item if nothing was found.

  \"\"  System searches for the specified words in ITEM and DESCRIPTION fields. You may also define the type of the offer to search.

"; // SEARCH-3.PHP $adv_search2_help="   \"\"  Click the company name for detailed description, offers and contact information.

"; // SEARCH-4.PHP and SEARCH-5.PHP $isearch_help="   \"\"  Click the image for a fullsize picture.

  \"\"  Click the image name for the contact information and the complete list of products and images (if available).

  \"\"  You can search for any record in the database using complete words in your query. Please, try to search for plural forms of the requested item if nothing was found.

  \"\"  System searches for the specified words in IMAGE NAME and DESCRIPTION fields..

"; // USER.PHP 1 $user_help_1="   \"\"  Click "Change" button to edit your registration information.

  \"\"  To edit your list of products and services press "Products & Services" button (if available).

  \"\"  To edit your Image Gallery press "Image Gallery" button (if available).

  \"\"  To upload a banner or a logo choose the file you want to upload and press "Upload" button. (if available)

  \"\"  Only gif, jpg, png, bmp banners and logos can be used.

  \"\"  Click "Logout" button to return to the home page.

"; // USER.PHP 2 $user_help_2="   \"\"  It is a mandatory requirement to fill in all the fields marked with red.

  \"\"  You can change your existing password, just note that it has to be at least 4 characters long, please don't use spaces and inverted commas. For the security reasons your current password is encrypted.

  \"\"  Click "Back" button to return to the previous page.

"; // USER.PHP 3 $user_help_3="   \"\"  If you are a registered user of the system, you can log in to your account and change your registration information, upload images and edit your products and services.

  \"\"  Click Password reminder link if you forgot your password.

"; // terms_of_service.php TERMS OF SERVICE TEXT $def_terms_text = "Terms of Service

Please follow all listing posting guidelines.
"; //------------------------------------------------------- // Not Used //------------------------------------------------------- // Advertisement (alt for banners in BANNER.INC) $def_ads="Advertisement"; $def_add_new_listing = "Add new listing"; // Free $def_chart_free ="Free"; // EDIT images list CHANGE button $def_images_change="Change"; // EDIT images list EDIT button $def_images_edit_but="Edit"; // Offer image upload $def_images_imageupload="Upload image"; $def_cctype = "Credit Card Type"; ?>