美联航发布新规定 乘机不戴口罩将被列入黑名单

Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

中新网6月17日电 据美国《世界日报》报道,美国联合航空(UA)日前宣布,从当地时间6月18日开始,将强制所有搭乘联合航空的乘客于飞行期间戴上口罩,如不遵守规定,将被列入联合航空的“禁飞名单”,凡在该名单上的旅客,将在一段时间内不准搭乘联合航空(班机,具体限制搭机期限,视审查结果而定。

其他美国主要航空公司阿拉斯加(Alaska Airlines)、美国航空(American Airlines)、达美(Delta Airlines)、西南(Southwest Airlines)、夏威夷航空(Hawaiian Airlines)、捷蓝(JetBlue Airways)也都将强化与乘客沟通有关搭机戴罩的规定,包括登机报到、登机后,都会与乘客说明飞行期间必须戴上口罩遮口鼻,如果乘客不愿合作,航空公司则会采取措施,包括将旅客放在“禁飞名单”。


UA顾客服务长殷逵斯特(Toby Enqvist)说,从5月4日起,联航就开始要求乘客戴口罩搭机,大多数的旅客也都遵守规定,而18日开始执行的强制戴口罩令,将进一步加强对乘客与服务人员的保护。




资料来源:美联航发布新规定 乘机不戴口罩将被列入黑名单

Roughly 160 million Americans have received federal stimulus checks, provided for by the CARES Act, which was signed into law in March, to help them amid the coronavirus pandemic. Three months later as the economy starts to reopen in the United States the unemployment numbers are still in double digits as the economic effects of the covid crisis continue, leading many to demand a second round of stimulus check to help them through this near-unprecedented recession.
Without the stimulus money already paid out, poverty levels could have spiked from pre-pandemic levels of 12.5% to 16.3%, according to a study by the Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University published on Sunday. “If high unemployment rates persist beyond July, additional income support will be needed,” the study added.
President Donald Trump has previously said that he is thinking about sending a second round of stimulus payments amid the pandemic, “I think we are working on something that is going to be very dramatic, very good,” said Trump last week.
“I think we are looking at Phase 4. Phase 1, 2 and 3 have been fantastic for people generally,” added Trump referring to three earlier economic stimulus packages from the federal government but only one of those phases included stimulus checks worth up to $1,200 per individual, with additional cash for dependents.