Easter Egg 电子世界的复活蛋 [英文]


What is an “Easter Egg”(virtual)?

Easter eggs are specially decorated eggs given out to celebrate the Easter holiday, and also is a hidden message included in computer programs, DVDs, books, CDs, video games and etc.

In computing, Easter eggs are messages, graphics, sound effects, or an unusual change in program behaviour, that occur in a program in response to some undocumented set of commands, mouse clicks, keystrokes or other stimuli intended as a joke or to display program credits.

Hidden Easter Eggs in Adobe Photoshop CS:
Open Photoshop CS and click on the Help menu.
Go down to About Photoshop and click on it while holding down the control key(Ctrl) to display your Easter Egg in Photoshop.



Hidden egg in Adobe Illustrator CS:
After open Illustrator CS, hold down the Ctrl + Shift + Alt key, and click the About Illustrator in Help menu.



还有更多的隐藏复活蛋可以在 www.eeggs.com 找到!